Thursday, November 15, 2012

Slave to the Grind

     Time these days sure has a way of going fast. It seems like a person never has enough of it. The clock has a way of working against you. I think the problem is the clock itself. As it ticks away every second of our lives, it only reminds us of how shackled we are to it. We confine our lives around the little tick tock like a warden holding our chains.
     We are the only animal anal retentive about time. We set our daily schedule by it. We set our clocks to wake up to its tireless ringing - hurry, hurry, hurry. We rush out the door so we can be on time for work. We work our day in a timely manner in our fast paced environment. When work lets out, we go to our vehicles to rush home again to spend time with the family. More sooner than later it's time again for bed and the whole thing repeats itself, day in, day out.
     We are so busy trying to make a living that time is sucking the life right out of us. Those people living paycheck to paycheck know how it is, how hard it is to get a head in this time-raping environment. A person sacrifices their time at a job for a monetary value per hour. As hours rake up so does the stress and fatigue. Repetition seeps into the soul, and if you are not making much money per hour, you feel robbed. More people are being robbed these days.
     Now Nature looks at us and laughs, asks, "where are you going in such a hurry?"  And you yell huffing and puffing, "to work!"  Nature laughs again and sees two squirrels harvesting acorns for the winter. "What these two do are meaningful to themselves and their families. They provide for their families with what nature provides. They work at a goal to gather the food for what they need. There is no oversquirrel, no Boss to hoard all the profits - just to benefit a few. Acorns aplenty."
     The man frowns and says, " I have to work because if I don't I will lose my job and my family will starve."  Nature asks, "How do you starve when there is plenty of food?"
     Man says, "Without money I can't buy food!"
     "Food already there, why buy?" Nature asked.
     "And if I don't pay my rent I will get kicked out and me and my family will become homeless!" The man says.
     "Shelter and warmth I have provided for free. Food and water are free. Why do you continue to pay for something you already have?" Nature asked.
     The man sighs, "Because that is the way we do things as Humans."
     Nature rebuffs, " You do this because you are weak and do not organize. You are being bullied by fat cats who make the laws of which you serve. You are a slave to their whims and it is their desire to see you and your families suffer. This system only benefits the powerful, of which power you give them freely. They hoard all the resources and trickle down crumbs that fall from their cake. You work for them because you are too weak or blind to see what's really happening, and are not willing to change. You are a slave to Master and until you can master yourselves, you are doomed to stay in your chains. Food there, water there, shelter and warmth here. Again, I ask you, why do you work for your Master?"

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